Love to you all!
-I loaded more pictures of our adventure on the web albums on the right
-Grandma bib pictures are from our first try
Julianna went in for her 4 month check up today and oh boy we have a big baby!! She weighed 15 lbs 4 oz (90 percentile) and is 25 ½ inches long (97 percentile). Let’s just say she doesn’t miss a meal. The doctor was really happy with all her progress and told us we can start cereal and she is ok to start sleeping on her tummy (thank God- longer naps here we come). We look forward to all her new developments and love watching her grow!
We have been on several big adventures this month. We took our first flight with Julianna to Michigan to meet the family. She was amazing on the plane, I was really worried. She really enjoyed hanging out with the family and meeting so many family members who love her so much. Thank you to everyone who brought her adorable outfits! Julianna had to have 4 outfit changes on Halloween just to show off all her Halloween outfits. We are really looking forward to Grandma Jo, Papa Do and Auntie Ang coming to Texas for Thanksgiving, Papa Ken and Roses coming to see us before for Christmas and flying back to Michigan for Christmas.
Here is a picture of Angela showing us how much Julianna looks like Aldo. There is no denying it, she is Aldo’s daughter! Julianna has her dad’s Mr. Magoo face!
Julianna has been making lots of new friends. It’s tough keeping up with her social calendar! We go on several play dates a week where she has made lots of new friends. This is a picture of her holding Kaelyn Hudson’s hand at a play date.
This is a picture with Sadie Zipser at a dinner at our house. Sadie and Julianna went and saw their first movie in the theater this week and both girls were great!