Sunday, July 5, 2009

Julianna with wanted to say hello (video)

Julianna is doing SO much better! She gained 4 oz in a day and has had more dirty diapers than expected (which means her jaundice is getting better). We never knew we could be so excited about dirty diapers!


  1. Congratulations Sarah and Aldo! I am so excited that you started a blog so we can keep up with Julianna. Good luck with everything. It sounds like you all are doing great!

  2. Congrats! I know exactly what you mean about being excited about dirty diapers! Both my kids fought the high bilirubin/jaundice battle and now you would never know it. Just Keep up the good poops!!! Motherhood is exhausting but soooooooo worth it!! Enjoy every minute, it goes by too fast!
