I'm pretty sure Dallas has gotten record snow fall this winter. It was 70 degrees on Friday and snowing Saturday night. We are supposed to be back in the 70's by Tuesday. Texas just can't make up its mind! Aldo says all the snow is to get Julianna ready for trips to Michigan. Aldo was finally home to build us a snowman this time. He claimed to have only build 2-3 in his lifetime to try to get out of it, but I didn't believe him and told him to get out there and try ;) I think Julianna was one of the only 2009 Texas baby that didn't have a picture with a snowman. His Michigan snowman techniques wouldn't work because the snow wouldn't stick together but he managed to get one put together pretty quick.
Julianna is almost 9 months old and doing great!! Her new favorite thing is blowing raspberries. She thinks its so funny. She still isn't crawling but rolls around to get to whatever she needs. She tries so hard to crawl but can't get her knees under her correctly. As, I'm typing this she seems to have mastered getting herself to sitting up on her own. She has also learned to clap and wave. She is enjoying lots of new foods including spaghetti!! Our daughter is definitely Italian, she ate spaghetti and minestrone this week and loved it. She also loves taking a bath. She likes to rock back and forth while sitting up to see how big of waves she can make. She thinks it's so funny and cracks up at herself while I sit there with my hand on her back so nervous that she is going to fall over in the water :) We can't wait for it to get warm enough to go swimming. I think I may have a little fish on my hands.
Eating spaghetti for the first time :)
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